Your browser lacks required capabilities. Please upgrade it or switch to another to continue.
<<audio ":all" stop>>
<img src="" width="840" id="frame">
<div id="titleScreenText">
  You may:
    [[1. Go fishing]]
    [[2. View the Map]]
    [[3. Walk the grounds]]
    [[4. Sit at the tree]]
    [[5. View the credits]]
  What is your choice?
</div><iframe src="" height="620px" width="860px" name="fish" id="minigame"></iframe>
<a href="" target="fish" id="playAgain">PLAY AGAIN</a>
<div id="quit">
[[QUIT|Title Screen]]
</div><<set $rootsGrown to visited("Root Screen")>>
<<audio ":all" stop>>
<<if $rootsGrown eq 0>>
<img src="" width="840" class="graveImg">
<div class="landmarkText" id="mountOlive">
[[Mount Olive|Title Screen]]
<<elseif $rootsGrown eq 1>>
<img src="" width="840" class="graveImg">
<div class="landmarkText" id="mountOlive">
[[Mount Olive|Title Screen]]
<div class="landmarkText" id="rockHousePortal">
[[The Rock House]]
<<elseif $rootsGrown eq 2>>
<img src="" width="840" class="graveImg">
<div class="landmarkText" id="mountOlive">
[[Mount Olive|Title Screen]]
<div class="landmarkText" id="rockHousePortal">
[[The Rock House]]
<div class="landmarkText" id="westPortal">
[[The West End]]
<<elseif $rootsGrown eq 3>>
<img src="" width="840" class="graveImg">
<div class="landmarkText" id="mountOlive">
[[Mount Olive|Title Screen]]
<div class="landmarkText" id="rockHousePortal">
[[The Rock House]]
<div class="landmarkText" id="westPortal">
[[The West End]]
<div class="landmarkText" id="riverPortal">
[[The River]]
<div class="returnNavText">
[[HERE|Title Screen]]
</div><<audio "amazingGrace" loop play>>
<img src="" width="840" class="graveImg">
<div class="returnNavText">
[[HERE|Title Screen]]
<div id="rip1" class="RIP">
<div id="rip2" class="RIP">
<div id="rip3" class="RIP">
<div id="rip4" class="RIP">
<div id="rip5" class="RIP">
<div id="rip6" class="RIP">
</div><<set $rootsGrown to visited("Root Screen")>>
<img src="" width="840" class="graveImg">
<<if visited("1. Go fishing") and $rootsGrown eq 0>>
<div class="returnNavText">
[[HERE|Tree Dialogue]]
<<elseif visited("The Rock House") and $rootsGrown eq 1>>
<div class="returnNavText">
[[HERE|Tree Dialogue 2]]
<<elseif visited("The West End") and $rootsGrown eq 2>>
<div class="returnNavText">
[[HERE|Tree Dialogue 3]]
<div class="returnNavText">
[[HERE|Title Screen]]
<<audio "weShallOvercome" loop play>><div id="rootsDiv">
<img src="" width="840" id="rootScreenBack">
<img src="" width="492" height="348" id="treeSprite">
<img src="" width="840" id="rootScreenFrame">
<<audio "root" volume 0.04 play>>
<<timed 11s>>
\<<goto "2. View the Map">>
\<</timed>><img src="" width="840" class="graveImg">
<div class="returnNavText">
[[HERE|3. Walk the grounds]]
<div class="findAGrave">
</div><img src="" width="840" class="graveImg">
<div class="returnNavText">
[[HERE|3. Walk the grounds]]
<div class="findAGrave">
</div><img src="" width="840" class="graveImg">
<div class="returnNavText">
[[HERE|3. Walk the grounds]]
<div class="findAGrave">
</div><img src="" width="840" class="graveImg">
<div class="returnNavText">
[[HERE|3. Walk the grounds]]
<div class="findAGrave">
</div><img src="" width="840" class="graveImg">
<div class="returnNavText">
[[HERE|3. Walk the grounds]]
<div class="findAGrave">
</div><img src="" width="840" class="graveImg">
<div class="returnNavText">
[[HERE|3. Walk the grounds]]
<div class="findAGrave">
</div><<audio "goTellIt" loop play>>
<<set $firstTimer to visited("The Rock House")>>
<img src="" width="840" class="graveImg">
<<if $firstTimer eq 1>>
<div class="contNavText">
[[HERE|RH Dialogue]]
<div class="contNavText">
[[HERE|2. View the Map]]
<<endif>><<set $firstTimer to visited("The River")>>
<<audio "wereYouThere" loop play>>
<img src="" width="840" class="graveImg">
<<if $firstTimer eq 1>>
<div class="contNavText">
[[HERE|River Dialogue]]
<div class="contNavText">
[[HERE|2. View the Map]]
<<endif>><img src="" width="840" class="graveImg">
<img src="" width="540" class="treeDialogueBox">
<div class="diaNavText">
<div id="typed-strings">
<p>Leaving so soon?
There is much you could learn here.
<p>Your people have deep roots here.
The first of your kin in this land stood<br>before me long ago.
<p>Let me show you the way.
Grow your roots, child.
<span id="typed1"></span>
var typed = new Typed('#typed1', {
stringsElement: '#typed-strings',
typeSpeed: 60,
backDelay: 500,
startDelay: 600,
loop: false,
<<timed 23s>>
\<<goto "Root Screen">>
<<audio ":all" stop>><img src="" width="840" class="graveImg">
<img src="" width="540" class="treeDialogueBox">
<div class="diaNavText">
<div id="typed-strings">
<p>Now you know the Rock House.
But your roots run deeper than that.
<p>Your kin now rest below your feet.
But this wasn't always the way.
<p>They once rested to the West.
Grow your roots, child.
<span id="typed2"></span>
var typed = new Typed('#typed2', {
stringsElement: '#typed-strings',
typeSpeed: 60,
backDelay: 500,
startDelay: 600,
loop: false,
<<timed 23s>>
\<<goto "Root Screen">>
<<audio ":all" stop>><img src="" width="840" class="graveImg">
<img src="" width="540" class="treeDialogueBox">
<div class="diaNavText">
<div id="typed-strings">
<p>This place, Mount Olive, was born of tragedy.<br>
But it has also been a source of peace for<br>
you and your kin.
<p>You grew up fishing in the creek with your<br>
grandmother Macie, just as she did with her<br>
grandmother Celia.
Hopeful trees can spring from hateful seeds.
<p>But your kin's story doesn't begin here.
To the water, grow your roots.
<span id="typed3"></span>
var typed = new Typed('#typed3', {
stringsElement: '#typed-strings',
typeSpeed: 60,
backDelay: 500,
startDelay: 600,
loop: false,
<<timed 35s>>
\<<goto "Root Screen">>
<<audio ":all" stop>><<audio "motherlessChild" loop play>>
<<set $firstTimer to visited("The West End")>>
<img src="" width="840" class="graveImg">
<<if $firstTimer eq 1>>
<div class="contNavText">
[[HERE|West Dialogue]]
<div class="contNavText">
[[HERE|2. View the Map]]
<<endif>><<audio ":all" stop>>
<img src="" width="840" class="graveImg">
<img src="" width="540" class="treeDialogueBox">
<div class="contNavText">
<div id="typed-strings">
<p>You were born in this house.
Your father and grandmother were<br>born in this house.
<p>The walls were built by a white man in 1857.
When this became the "colored" section<br>of town, your kin bought this land.
<p>They've remained here for 75 years.
But their roots run deeper than that.
<span id="typed4"></span>
var typed = new Typed('#typed4', {
stringsElement: '#typed-strings',
typeSpeed: 60,
backDelay: 500,
startDelay: 600,
loop: false,
<<timed 30s>>
\<<goto "3. Walk the grounds">>
\<</timed>><img src="" width="840" class="graveImg">
<<audio ":all" stop>>
<img src="" width="540" class="treeDialogueBox">
<div class="contNavText">
<div id="typed-strings">
<p>Celia Smith was brought here from Mississipi<br>
as a young girl—the slave of a surveyor.
The surveying party left 15 slaves under a<br>
tree along the Bosque River in 1854.
<p>For a year, they lived alongside the Caddo<br>
people in a village along the river.
When the white settlers returned, the slaves<br>
returned to bondage, and the Caddo were<br>
removed to Oklahoma.
<p>The village became Stephenville, and the<br>
slaves became free in Texas after<br>
June 19, 1865.
From those roots, Celia grew your family.
<span id="typed5"></span>
var typed = new Typed('#typed5', {
stringsElement: '#typed-strings',
typeSpeed: 60,
backDelay: 500,
startDelay: 600,
loop: false,
<<timed 50s>>
\<<goto "Final Dialogue">>
\<</timed>><<audio ":all" stop>>
<img src="" width="840" class="graveImg">
<img src="" width="540" class="treeDialogueBox">
<div class="contNavText">
<div id="typed-strings">
<p>From the time of slavery until 1922,<br>
your people were buried here.
In a time of hate, their graves were moved<br>
to where they now rest amongst my roots.
<p>Many of their final resting places<br>
remain unmarked, known only to the roots.
Your great-great-grandmother Celia's grave<br>
was among those moved.
<p>She was the first of your kin in this land.
Her story is your deepest root.
<span id="typed6"></span>
var typed = new Typed('#typed6', {
stringsElement: '#typed-strings',
typeSpeed: 60,
backDelay: 500,
startDelay: 600,
loop: false,
<<timed 40s>>
\<<goto "Celia">>
\<</timed>><img src="" width="540" class="treeDialogueBox">
<div id="typed-strings">
<p>I've shared with you what I can.
Before they walked among my roots, your<br>
kin were brought from far away.
<p>Even roots don't reach across oceans.
These are their stories. This is your story.
<p>I hope you will carry it with you.
Go with knowledge, child.
<span id="typed3"></span>
var typed = new Typed('#typed3', {
stringsElement: '#typed-strings',
typeSpeed: 60,
backDelay: 500,
startDelay: 600,
loop: false,
<<timed 29s>>
\<<goto "5. View the credits">>
\<</timed>><<cacheaudio "amazingGrace" "wav|">>
<<cacheaudio "motherlessChild" "mp3|">>
<<cacheaudio "wereYouThere" "mp3|">>
<<cacheaudio "weShallOvercome" "mp3|">>
<<cacheaudio "goTellIt" "mp3|">>
<<cacheaudio "root" "mp3|">>
<img src="" width="840" class="graveImg">
<div class="contNavText">
[[HERE|Title Screen]]
<div id="creditScreenText">
Thank you to my Stanford Art instructors for the opportunity
and the knowledge to make this piece.
Thanks to my classmates for sharing their work,
their feedback, and their energy.
Thanks to the team of the 1985 [[The Oregon Trail|]].
Thanks to Raxlen Slice for the chiptune music pieces.
Thanks to Giles Booth for his ChiKareGo2 font.
Finally, thanks to my father, Leon "Bubba" Smith, for his story.